"Gouache is a wonderful technique with which children undertake their first painting attempts. I rediscovered it for myself as an illustrator and continued to develop the repertoire of tricks and techniques in each new project. So much so that after some time, I had enough material collected for a book specifically about gouache. In my opinion, gouache far surpasses other painting techniques like watercolor or acrylic. It is more versatile and offers various applications for every artist's temperament." - Aljoscha Blau, "Multitalent Gouache"
"Gouache is a wonderful technique with which children undertake their first painting attempts. I rediscovered it for myself as an illustrator and continued to develop the repertoire of tricks and techniques in each new project. So much so that after some time, I had enough material collected for a book specifically about gouache. In my opinion, gouache far surpasses other painting techniques like watercolor or acrylic. It is more versatile and offers various applications for every artist's temperament." - Aljoscha Blau, "Multitalent Gouache"